8213 Gacy House (2010) [1: Regretted Watching] It was a claimed true story and compared to Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity. Although the Gacy person and murders were true, this movie and so called investigation as a joke. It lacked a Ton.
Positives: At least their focus supposed to be a paranormal investigation of serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Use of cameras, and other (few) paranormal equipment, room to room searching.Negatives: Where do I start. Where half of them acted professional, the other half acted like childish cowards. A sold claim of true story especially that they were viciously attacked and all found dead, if this were true to would have made national news headlines. Major paranormal groups like PRS, Ghost Adventures or TAPS would have filmed investigations them selves, if they did I never heard about it. Very little use of real paranormal equipment. A ton of cameras, probably just for movie propping, and 1 or 2 things like EMF detector and/or K2 meter. Each team member would have had each piece of proper equipment. Over all it sucked and lie as a true story and an insult for a real investigation. A total rip of Blair Witch meets Paranormal Activity.
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