Friday, February 11, 2011

The Social Network (2010) [2]

The Social Network (2010) [2: Needed Improvement]

Positives: Hearing and reading about the actual history it seems the factual history appears to be accurate depending of course what you believe based on the published story. But the lawsuit scenes are a definite he said vs he said. Actor choices were apparently good. A line in the movie I was impressed by (depending an historical accuracy) Mark Zuckerburg replying to the Winklevoss brothers "If Facebook was really your idea why didn't you create it?!"

Negatives: Where do I start. Movie reviews are not supposed to be or even made personal. But I as I say to alot of people why would anyone listen to a "movie critic" its just an opinion. But this movie hit a personal nerve/demon in me. I spent/lived and worked for a company that housed off campus living to UPenn students in Philadelphia. So I believe I know college students, although I never was one technically (did briefly attended tech school for less than a year). The image of college students I saw showed them to be arrogant, know it alls and pretty succeeding in jamming their foot in doors and in their own mouths. Ive seen so many college portrayed movies that it seems the only two goals are "a degree and getting laid".

Note: I only ended up on Facebook because a friend of mine, bullied me on to it. :)

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